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How to hire top WordPress Developers at Braintrust


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Hooman Baradaran

Hooman Baradaran

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Toronto, CA
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Kevin O'Connell

Kevin O'Connell

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Yorktown, VA, USA
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James Latten Jr

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Lorain, OH, USA
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How to hire Top WordPress Developers


Hiring a WordPress developer can be a pivotal step for any business, large or small, aiming to establish or enhance their online presence. The process can be different depending on whether you're a startup or a larger company, and your hiring needs - full time versus hourly - can significantly affect your approach.

For a startup, the key lies in finding a WordPress developer who is versatile, adaptable, and able to wear multiple hats. A developer in a startup setting is often expected to take on various roles, from design to deployment. They should be prepared to handle fast-paced changes and grow with the company. A crucial factor is cultural fit, as startups often have a unique, vibrant work culture.

On the other hand, larger companies usually have more specialized roles. A WordPress developer in a big company might focus more exclusively on specific areas like theme or plugin development, working within a larger team of developers. The hiring process may involve more layers, including HR screening, technical tests, and multiple rounds of interviews.

Full-time versus hourly hiring depends largely on the company's needs. A full-time WordPress developer is a substantial investment that makes sense if you have an ongoing need for development work. They can work on multiple projects, provide consistent updates, and be an integral part of your team. Onboarding for a full-time position is usually more intensive, with an emphasis on long-term fit and growth potential within the company.

On the contrary, if you have a one-off project or infrequent development needs, hiring a developer on an hourly basis might be more cost-effective. You can bring them in for the duration of a project and then part ways once it's completed. Hourly or contract-based hiring allows for flexibility but also requires a well-defined project scope to avoid timeline or budget overruns.

Regardless of the company size or hiring model, the hiring process should involve assessing the developer's technical skills, experience with WordPress, understanding of SEO best practices, responsive design skills, security practices, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and project management capabilities. Providing clear job descriptions, conducting thorough interviews, and considering trial tasks or projects can help ensure that you hire a WordPress developer who will meet your needs and contribute positively to your company.

Technical Skills

A proficient WordPress developer should exhibit advanced skills in various web technologies. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP is crucial, as these are the fundamental building blocks of WordPress. They should be able to use HTML to structure the site, CSS to style the site, JavaScript for interactivity, and PHP for server-side scripting. Additionally, the developer should have knowledge of SQL for managing WordPress's MySQL databases. Understanding other technologies like Git for version control is also important as it enables efficient team collaboration, with the ability to track changes and revert to previous versions if necessary. Familiarity with APIs for integration is valuable as it allows for connecting WordPress with other software or platforms. More advanced WordPress developers might also have experience with JavaScript libraries or frameworks, like React or Vue.js, as WordPress increasingly incorporates these into its core.

Experience with WordPress

A WordPress developer should be seasoned in the unique aspects of WordPress development. This includes deep understanding of the WordPress core, database structure, and the hierarchy of files and templates that make up themes. They should be comfortable working with WordPress's loop, hooks, and custom post types. Proficiency in theme and plugin development is important, as this often forms a significant part of customizing WordPress sites. A good developer should be able to create custom themes from scratch, or child themes based on existing themes, tailored to specific needs. They should also be capable of building custom plugins to extend the functionality of WordPress, or modify existing plugins to suit specific requirements. Familiarity with the WordPress REST API is essential for creating more complex features or integrating with other systems.

Understanding of SEO Best Practices

WordPress developers should possess a strong understanding of SEO best practices, as well-optimized websites perform better in search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility and traffic. This includes a working knowledge of semantic HTML to structure content appropriately for search engines, and the correct usage of meta tags, such as title and description tags, which provide search engines with information about the page. They should also understand the importance of a clean URL structure and be familiar with the use of WordPress’s permalink settings. Developers should know how to optimize website speed, as site loading times significantly impact SEO performance. This might involve techniques like caching, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and optimizing images. Lastly, they should have knowledge of mobile optimization, as Google uses mobile-first indexing, meaning it primarily uses the mobile version of a site for indexing and ranking.

Responsive Design Skills

A competent WordPress developer should have responsive design skills, ensuring that websites provide a consistent and user-friendly experience across all devices and screen sizes. This involves understanding the principles of responsive design, including fluid grid layouts, flexible images and media, and CSS media queries. The developer should be able to design and build websites that dynamically adapt to the user’s device, whether that's a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. In practice, this means not only resizing elements based on the screen size, but also considering how the layout might change, how interactions might differ, and how to ensure that text remains legible. Familiarity with responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap can be helpful, but it's also important for a developer to know how to create responsive designs without relying on a framework. A responsive website is also crucial for SEO, as Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher in search results.

Understanding of Security Practices

Security is paramount for any website, and a WordPress developer should have a strong understanding of how to implement security measures to protect the site. They should be aware of the common types of vulnerabilities that can affect WordPress sites, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). They should be able to write secure code that avoids these vulnerabilities and understand how to securely handle user input and output. The developer should also be familiar with best practices for WordPress security, such as using strong passwords, keeping WordPress and its plugins and themes updated, and limiting login attempts to prevent brute force attacks. Knowledge of security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri is also beneficial. Moreover, understanding of SSL and how to implement HTTPS is crucial for protecting data in transit. A developer who prioritizes security will help to keep your site safe and maintain trust with your users.

Good Problem-Solving Skills

Web development often presents complex challenges that require innovative solutions, and WordPress development is no exception. A WordPress developer should demonstrate robust problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically. This involves not only technical know-how, but also creativity and analytical thinking. When faced with a problem, a good developer will be able to methodically analyze the issue, break it down into smaller parts, and approach each part systematically. They should be able to leverage debugging tools like Chrome Developer Tools, Firebug, or Xdebug to help diagnose problems. The developer should also stay current with WordPress development trends and updates, as new solutions and techniques are constantly emerging. Strong problem-solving skills enable a developer to overcome obstacles efficiently and build high-quality websites that meet your needs.

Communication Skills

Communication is a critical skill for a WordPress developer. Despite the technical nature of the job, a developer will need to interact effectively with various people, including team members, project managers, clients, and possibly end users. This involves not only clear written and verbal communication, but also the ability to listen and understand others' needs and feedback. A developer should be able to explain complex technical concepts in a way that non-technical people can understand. They should also be able to provide clear updates on their progress, anticipate and answer questions, and accept constructive criticism. Good communication helps to ensure that the development process runs smoothly, that the final product meets the project requirements, and that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Project Management Skills

If you're hiring a freelance WordPress developer or a lead developer, they should have strong project management skills. This means being able to accurately estimate the amount of time tasks will take, manage their workload effectively, and meet deadlines. They should be able to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance, and make realistic commitments. Knowledge of project management methodologies like Agile or Scrum, and tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana can be beneficial. The developer should also be able to collaborate effectively with others involved in the project, and manage any subcontractors if necessary. Good project management ensures that the development process is efficient and that the final product is delivered on time and within budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a WordPress developer?

The cost of hiring a WordPress developer can vary widely based on factors like their skill level, experience, location, and the complexity of the project. On the low end, an entry-level developer might charge $20-30 per hour, while a highly experienced developer or an agency might charge $100 or more per hour. If you're hiring a developer for a full-time position, the annual salary can range from around $50,000 to over $100,000. Always remember, though, that the cost should be evaluated in the context of the value that the developer will bring to your business, as hiring a more experienced developer could save time and money in the long run by avoiding mistakes and providing higher quality work.

Can I hire someone to make my WordPress website?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, it's quite common to hire a professional WordPress developer or an agency to create a WordPress website, especially if it's a complex site or if you don't have the technical skills to build it yourself. A professional developer will be able to create a customized site that meets your specific needs, whether that's an e-commerce site, a blog, a business site, or something else. They can handle everything from setting up WordPress and designing the layout to developing custom themes and plugins and optimizing the site for SEO.

Where can I find WordPress experts?

There are several places where you can find WordPress experts for hire. Online freelance platforms like Braintrust are popular options, with many WordPress developers available for hire. You could also use a dedicated WordPress job board like, or a professional networking site like LinkedIn. Local web development or WordPress meetups can be another source of potential candidates. Before hiring, always be sure to review the developer's portfolio and references to ensure that they have the necessary skills and experience.

How many hours does it take to build a WordPress website?

The time it takes to build a WordPress website can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the site. A basic website with just a few pages and a simple theme could be set up in a few hours to a day. On the other hand, a complex website with many pages, a custom design, custom functionality, e-commerce capabilities, and more could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This includes time for planning, design, development, testing, and revisions. It's important to have a clear project scope and timeline in mind when hiring a WordPress developer.

What is the average WordPress maintenance cost?

WordPress maintenance costs can vary greatly depending on the specific needs of your site and whether you're handling the maintenance yourself or hiring a professional. If you're hiring a professional, you might pay anywhere from $50 to over $200 per month for a maintenance plan, which typically includes updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins, regular backups, security checks, and sometimes small content updates or fixes. If you have a larger or more complex site, you might pay more for a premium plan that includes faster support response times, uptime monitoring, SEO services, or other advanced features. On top of this, you'll need to consider costs for your domain name, hosting, premium themes or plugins, and potentially other services like email or e-commerce tools.

Do I own my WordPress website?

Yes, if you're using the self-hosted version of WordPress (from, then you own your WordPress website. This means that you have full control over the content, the code, the design, and the data. You can modify the site as you wish, and you're free to move the site to another hosting provider if you choose. However, it's important to note that while you own the content and data you create, you do not own the WordPress software itself (which is open source), or any third-party themes or plugins that you use, which are usually licensed to you under certain terms.

What does a WordPress developer do?

A WordPress developer is responsible for creating and maintaining websites on the WordPress platform. This can involve a wide range of tasks, depending on the specific project and the developer's role. They might design and build new websites, create custom themes to control the appearance of the site, or develop plugins to extend the functionality of WordPress. They could also be responsible for tasks like optimizing the site for speed and SEO, implementing security measures, integrating the site with other systems via APIs, and troubleshooting and fixing issues. A WordPress developer will typically work with web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, as well as the WordPress API and the MySQL database system.

Should I host WordPress myself?

Hosting WordPress yourself, often called self-hosting, gives you the most control over your website, but it also comes with responsibilities. Self-hosting means that you install the free software from on your own web server, which requires some technical knowledge. You're responsible for managing your server, keeping WordPress and your plugins and themes updated, backing up your data, and dealing with any technical issues that arise. If you have the skills and time, self-hosting can be a good option. However, if you're less technical or prefer not to deal with these tasks, you might prefer managed WordPress hosting. With managed hosting, the hosting company handles many of the technical aspects for you, which can provide peace of mind and let you focus on your content or business.

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