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How to hire top React Native Developers at Braintrust


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Peter Holcomb

Peter Holcomb

Senior Engineer
Austin, TX
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Nicolas Morga

Nicolas Morga

Senior Developer
Toronto, Canada
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Tomilayo Afolabi

Full Stack Web Developer
Calgary, Canada
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How to hire Top React Native Developers


React Native app development is growing in popularity for its ability to create high-quality iOS and Android apps with a single codebase. When hiring a React Native developer, it's essential to consider factors like technical skills, experience, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, communication, and platform-specific knowledge. In addition to these core competencies, you'll also need to weigh different employment arrangements, such as working at a startup versus a larger company, and full-time versus hourly employment.

Startups vs. Larger Companies:

Working at a startup often provides developers with greater autonomy, flexibility, and the opportunity to work on a diverse range of tasks. React Native developers at startups may be required to wear multiple hats, contributing to product design, feature implementation, and performance optimization. They should be comfortable with a fast-paced, dynamic work environment and be ready to adapt to shifting priorities. In a startup, developers often have a more significant impact on the overall product and can see the direct results of their work.

On the other hand, larger companies typically offer more structure, well-defined roles, and access to established processes and resources. React Native developers at larger organizations may be part of a more extensive development team, focusing on specific aspects of the application. They may benefit from mentorship, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing with experienced colleagues. Developers in larger companies may also have opportunities to work on high-profile projects with greater visibility, but they may not have the same level of influence on the overall product as they would in a startup.

Full-Time vs. Hourly:

When hiring a React Native developer, you'll need to decide whether to bring them on as a full-time employee or on an hourly basis. Full-time developers are typically more invested in the company's success and have a long-term commitment to the project. They are generally eligible for benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Full-time developers may also have a better understanding of the company culture, goals, and processes, which can contribute to the overall cohesiveness of the development team.

Hourly or contract-based developers, on the other hand, offer flexibility in terms of cost and commitment. They can be a suitable option when you need specialized skills for a specific project or during periods of high workload. Hourly developers can be more cost-effective in the short term, as they are only paid for the hours they work, and you won't need to provide them with benefits. However, it's essential to ensure that they have a clear understanding of your project's requirements and expectations, as they may not have the same level of familiarity with your company's goals and culture as full-time employees.

To ensure success in the development process, it's crucial to hire dedicated React Native developers with the right skillset, years of experience, and expertise in various languages and technologies like Java, JavaScript, and Objective-C. You'll also need to consider the type of employment arrangement that best suits your company's needs, whether it's working at a startup or larger organization, and choosing between full-time or hourly employment. By carefully considering these factors, you can find the right React Native developer who will contribute to your project's success and help you build a high-quality, performant mobile application.

Technical proficiency

A React Native developer must possess a deep understanding of React Native, JavaScript/TypeScript, and related technologies. They should be well-versed in the following areas:

  • React Native framework: Candidates should have a solid grasp of React Native's core principles, such as components, state management, and lifecycle methods. They should also be familiar with using third-party libraries and creating custom components.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript: A deep understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript is essential for building native components and functionalities. Candidates should be familiar with functional programming concepts, and async programming patterns, as well as ReactJS, Node.js, ES6+ syntax, and related front-end technologies.
  • State management: Candidates should understand different state management approaches and be comfortable using libraries like Redux, MobX, or Context API to handle complex application states.
  • Networking: Developers should have experience working with APIs and understand concepts such as REST, GraphQL, and real-time communication using WebSocket or other technologies.
  • UI/UX: A strong understanding of UI and UX design principles is important for creating visually appealing and user-friendly web apps and mobile apps. Candidates should be familiar with React Native styling, animations, and navigation libraries like React Navigation or React Native Navigation.
  • Build and deployment: Knowledge of tools and processes for building, bundling, and deploying React Native applications (e.g., using Xcode, Android Studio, or Fastlane) is essential for delivering a polished final product.


Experience is a crucial factor when hiring a React Native developer, as it showcases their ability to handle various tasks and overcome different challenges. Look for candidates who have:

  • Worked on a diverse range of React Native projects, including different industries, app types, and complexity levels. This demonstrates their ability to adapt and apply their skills to different contexts.
  • Have a background in application development, web development, or native iOS and Android app development. Experience with backend technologies like Node.js can be a plus.
  • Successfully launched apps on both iOS and Android platforms, highlighting their familiarity with the app submission process and meeting platform guidelines.
  • Experience integrating native modules, such as camera, geolocation, or push notifications, showcasing their ability to leverage platform-specific features and create seamless user experiences.
  • Worked on projects involving complex animations, performance optimization, or real-time data, as these are important aspects of modern mobile applications.
  • Skilled developers may possess full-stack development expertise, handling both front-end and backend tasks as needed. This can be beneficial in streamlining the development process.

Problem-solving skills

The best React Native developers exhibit strong analytical thinking and creativity when tackling complex development projects. They should have the ability to debug, optimize, and refactor code for performance improvements. Key problem-solving skills and qualities to look for include:

  • Analytical thinking: Candidates should be able to break down problems into smaller components, identify root causes, and develop effective solutions.
  • Debugging: Developers must be proficient in using debugging tools (e.g., Chrome Developer Tools, React Native Debugger, or Reactotron) to identify and fix issues in their code.
  • Creativity: Great developers can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to challenging problems.
  • Persistence: Problem-solving often requires patience and perseverance. Candidates should demonstrate a willingness to tackle difficult tasks and learn from their mistakes.

Collaboration and communication

React Native programmers should work well in team settings, whether in-house or with freelancers. Proficiency in collaboration and communication tools like Git, Slack, or Microsoft Teams is essential for seamless teamwork. Look for candidates who:

  • Can clearly articulate their ideas, thoughts, and reasoning both in written and verbal form. This ensures that they can communicate effectively with teammates, managers, and clients.
  • Are comfortable with using collaboration tools such as Git, project management platforms (e.g., Jira, Trello, or Asana), and communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
  • Demonstrate good listening skills and the ability to provide constructive feedback. This helps create a positive team environment and fosters collaboration.
  • Can translate technical concepts into layman's terms when working with non-technical team members, such as designers or product managers. This is important for ensuring everyone is on the same page and understands the project's goals and requirements.


Developers must keep up with emerging technologies and industry best practices, even outside of the React Native ecosystem. They should show a willingness to adapt and learn new languages, frameworks, or libraries as needed.

The rapidly evolving landscape of mobile development and React Native requires developers to be adaptable and eager to learn. Look for candidates who:

  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. This includes following prominent React Native developers, participating in online communities, or attending industry events.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new programming languages, frameworks, or libraries as needed. This can be showcased through their past projects, personal projects, or contributions to open-source initiatives.
  • Are comfortable with refactoring or rewriting existing code to incorporate new technologies or optimize performance. This shows their ability to adapt to changing requirements or project goals.
  • Have experience working in Agile or Scrum environments, which often require flexibility and adaptability as priorities shift or new features are introduced.

Performance optimization

React Native developers should be familiar with techniques and tools to optimize application performance. This includes using profiling tools, code optimization, and native performance optimization strategies. Key skills and tools include:

  • Profiling tools: Candidates should know how to use tools like React Profiler, Reactotron, or Chrome Developer Tools to identify and address performance bottlenecks.
  • Code optimization: Developers should understand best practices for writing efficient, performant code, such as using PureComponent or React.memo, optimizing rendering cycles, and reducing unnecessary re-renders.
  • Native performance optimizations: Candidates should have experience optimizing native aspects of React Native apps, such as leveraging platform-specific APIs or features to improve performance.
  • Memory management: Developers should be familiar with memory management concepts, such as garbage collection, memory leaks, and strategies for minimizing memory usage in mobile applications.

Testing and quality assurance

A commitment to quality assurance is essential for creating reliable, maintainable software. Developers should have experience with testing frameworks, test-driven development (TDD), and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). Key skills and tools include:

  • Testing frameworks: Candidates should have experience with testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine, as well as testing libraries like Enzyme or React Testing Library for unit, integration, and functional testing.
  • Test-driven development (TDD): Developers who practice TDD write tests before writing the actual code, ensuring that their code meets the desired requirements and reduces the likelihood of bugs.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD): Familiarity with CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions) and processes is essential for automating the testing, building, and deployment of React Native applications.
  • Code quality: Candidates should adhere to coding standards and best practices, such as using linters (e.g., ESLint or TSLint) and following established style guides to write clean, maintainable, and readable code.

Platform-specific knowledge

Though React Native enables cross-platform development, developers should still possess an understanding of platform-specific features and nuances. Developers must understand the nuances of iOS and Android platforms for creating truly native experiences, resolving platform-specific issues, and optimizing performance. Look for candidates who:

  • Understand iOS and Android design guidelines, which will help them build apps that feel native and adhere to the platform's user experience standards.
  • Have experience working with native modules, such as integrating platform-specific SDKs or APIs. This demonstrates their ability to bridge the gap between React Native and native code when needed.
  • Are familiar with platform-specific performance optimization techniques, such as using platform-specific APIs to offload intensive tasks to native code, enabling smooth performance across different devices.
  • Have experience troubleshooting and resolving platform-specific issues, such as dealing with permissions, hardware differences, or unique platform features. This shows their ability to tackle challenges specific to each platform and deliver a consistent user

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire remote React Native developers?

The cost of hiring remote React Native developers can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, and project complexity. Hourly rates typically range from $20 to $150 per hour. Developers from countries with lower living costs, such as Eastern Europe or Asia, may charge lower rates compared to those in North America or Western Europe. More experienced developers will generally command higher rates. To get a better estimate of the cost, consider the scope and timeline of your project and research market rates for developers with the skillset and experience you require.

Which is the best company to hire React Native developers?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best company for hiring React Native developers, as the ideal choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and project requirements. That being said, Braintrust is a popular option that lets you post your job for free and get vetted candidates within 48 hours. When choosing a company, consider factors such as its reputation, the quality of its developer pool, its vetting process, and client reviews to ensure you find the right fit for your project.

How much does it cost to hire a dedicated React Native developer?

Hiring a dedicated React Native developer typically involves a long-term commitment, and the cost can vary based on the developer's experience, location, and your project's specific needs. In general, monthly rates for dedicated developers can range from $2,500 to $10,000 or more. This cost usually covers their salary, benefits, and any overhead associated with their employment. Keep in mind that hiring a dedicated developer often involves additional costs, such as recruitment fees, onboarding, and ongoing training. To estimate the cost accurately, assess your project's requirements and research market rates for developers in your desired location with the appropriate skill set.

How should I evaluate a React Native developer candidate?

When evaluating potential React Native developers, consider their technical expertise, years of experience, problem-solving abilities, collaboration and communication skills, adaptability, and commitment to performance optimization and quality assurance. Combine this criterion with specific project requirements to determine the best fit for your development services.

Whether you're hiring in-house React Native programmers or outsourcing to freelancers or development agencies, these tips can help you ensure a successful, efficient, and cost-effective development process. So, get started and hire the best React Native developer to bring your awesome mobile apps to life.

How much should I charge for a React Native project?

Determining how much to charge for a React Native project depends on several factors, including your experience, project complexity, and the client's budget. To estimate an appropriate rate, consider the following:

  • Scope of the project: Evaluate the project's size, complexity, and the number of features to be developed. Larger projects with more complex features will require more time and resources, and thus a higher fee.
  • Your experience and expertise: More experienced developers with a proven track record can charge higher rates than those just starting in the field.
  • Market rates: Research the current market rates for React Native development in your region or for remote developers. This will give you a baseline for setting your rates.
  • Client's budget: Consider the client's budget and be prepared to negotiate a fair price that works for both parties.

Take these factors into account when determining your rate, and ensure that the price you set covers your costs, time, and effort while remaining competitive within the market.

What is the average salary of React Native?

The average salary of a React Native developer varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and the type of company they work for. In the United States, the average annual salary for a React Native developer ranges from $80,000 to $120,000. Entry-level developers may earn around $60,000 per year, while experienced developers can command salaries exceeding $130,000. It's important to note that salaries will differ based on the local cost of living and job market conditions in each region.

How much does a React Native developer charge per hour?

The hourly rate for a React Native developer can range widely based on experience, location, and project complexity. In general, hourly rates can range from $20 to $150 per hour. Developers from countries with lower living costs, such as Eastern Europe or Asia, may charge lower rates compared to those in North America or Western Europe. More experienced developers will generally command higher rates.

Is there a high demand for React Native developers?

Yes, there is a high demand for React Native developers as more businesses seek to build cross-platform mobile applications with a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. React Native offers several advantages, including faster development cycles, lower development costs, and easier maintenance. As a result, many companies are actively seeking skilled React Native developers to build and maintain their mobile applications.

Is React Native still worth it?

React Native continues to be a valuable technology for building cross-platform mobile applications. With a strong community, ongoing support from Facebook, and continuous improvements to the framework, React Native remains an attractive choice for many businesses. The ability to build applications for both iOS and Android using a single codebase can save time and resources, making it a cost-effective solution. Additionally, React Native's performance continues to improve, closing the gap between native app performance and React Native app performance. Overall, React Native is still worth considering for many mobile app development projects, especially for businesses seeking a cost-effective, scalable, and efficient solution for their cross-platform mobile app needs.

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