Vue.js Developer Interview Questions

Vue.js, hailed for its progressive framework, has become a staple for modern web interfaces. Through this guide, unravel the expertise of Vue.js developer candidates with an array of probing interview questions. From reactive data binding to Vue's component lifecycle, find developers who can leverage Vue.js to its fullest, enhancing user experiences and web performance.
What is Vue.js and why would you choose it over other frameworks? Answer: Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It's chosen for its simplicity, reactivity, and component-based architecture, allowing for easy integration with other projects and libraries. 2.
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Describe the Vue.js lifecycle. Answer: The Vue.js lifecycle consists of several stages, from creation (beforeCreate, created) to mounting (beforeMount, mounted), updating (beforeUpdate, updated), and destruction (beforeDestroy, destroyed). 3.
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What are Vue.js directives? Name a few. Answer: Directives are tokens in the markup that tell Vue to perform some task. Examples include v-bind, v-model, v-for, and v-if. 4.
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How does Vue.js handle form input binding? Answer: Vue.js uses the v-model directive to create two-way data bindings on form input and textarea elements. 5.
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Describe Vue.js's reactive data binding. Answer: Vue's reactivity system automatically updates the DOM when the underlying data changes, achieved using getters/setters and a virtual DOM diffing mechanism. 6.
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What are Vue components? Answer: Components are reusable Vue instances with a name. They help break the UI into small, maintainable pieces. 7.
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What is the difference between a computed property and a method in Vue? Answer: While both can be used for calculations, computed properties are cached based on their dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when a dependency has changed, whereas a method will run every time it's invoked. 8.
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Explain the difference between v-show and v-if. Answer: v-if conditionally renders the element and removes/adds it from the DOM. v-show toggles the display CSS property, keeping the element in the DOM. 9.
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How do you define a local and global component in Vue? Answer: A local component is defined inside another component's components object, while a global component is registered using Vue.component(). 10.
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What is Vuex? Answer: Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It centralizes the application's state and derives rules for state changes. 11.
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Describe Vue's single-file components. Answer: A single-file component has a .vue extension and encapsulates the template, script, and style in a single file. 12.
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How does Vue handle transitions and animations? Answer: Vue provides several ways to apply transition effects, using the and wrapper components. 13.
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Explain mixins in Vue. Answer: Mixins are a way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components. A component can use multiple mixins. 14.
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What is the Virtual DOM in Vue? Answer: The Virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the actual DOM elements. Changes are made to the Virtual DOM first and then diffed and updated efficiently in the real DOM. 15.
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How do you handle routing in Vue? Answer: Vue uses the vue-router library for routing, allowing the association of components with different routes. 16.
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Describe Vue's props. Answer: Props are custom attributes registered on a component. They allow passing data from parent to child components. 17.
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How do you manage state in Vue applications? Answer: For large applications, state management is often handled by Vuex. For smaller applications, the data property or local storage might be used. 18.
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What are slots in Vue? Answer: Slots allow for content distribution. They let you compose components by placing content in different insertion points inside the component. 19.
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How can you make API calls in Vue? Answer: Vue doesn't have a dedicated method for HTTP requests, but developers can use libraries like Axios to make API calls. 20.
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How does Vue handle event handling? Answer: Vue provides v-on directive to listen to DOM events and execute a JavaScript expression. 21.
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Explain the use of v-cloak. Answer: v-cloak keeps an element and its children hidden until Vue's compilation is done, preventing the raw mustache tag from being displayed. 22.
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What are filters in Vue? Answer: Filters are used to apply common text formatting and are usable in two places: double curly braces and v-bind expressions. 23.
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How do you handle component communication in Vue? Answer: Parent-child component communication is handled via props and events. Non-parent-child components can use an event bus or Vuex. 24.
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What is server-side rendering in Vue? Answer: Server-side rendering (SSR) allows you to render a Vue component on the server-side and send the rendered HTML to the client, making the application load faster and more SEO-friendly. 25.
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How do you use third-party libraries in Vue? Answer: Third-party libraries can be integrated using the import statement or by including them in the script tag and using them as global variables.
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Hiring an Vue.js Developers With Braintrust

In your pursuit of Vue.js Developers, we stand ready to assist in finding top talent swiftly. With our services, you can expect to be matched with five highly-qualified Vue.js Developers within just minutes. Let us streamline your recruitment process and connect you with the skilled professionals you seek to meet your needs effectively.

Looking for Work

Chris Greenwood

Chris Greenwood

Full Stack Developer
  • Vue
  • Full Stack Engineering
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js

Looking for Work

Daniel Willitzer

Daniel Willitzer

Web Developer
Hudson, FL 34667, USA
  • React
  • Vue
  • Full Stack Engineering
  • PHP

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Johannes Hulsch

Johannes Hulsch

Full Stack Engineer
Richmond, CA
  • React
  • Vue
  • Java
  • Full Stack Engineering

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