Resolve Disputes.
Braintrust has processed almost 5,000 invoices. Of those 5,000, only 7 invoices have been disputed. How? The community acts as an arbitrator.
Braintrust believes in decentralization, which means the network is at the center of decisions like disputed invoices. The Braintrust community is trusted to make fair and thoughtful decisions that objectively look at both sides of a disagreement in order to come to a resolution.
How Dispute Resolution happens:
The Braintrust community elects jurors that represent freelance talent, clients, investors, and connectors. Under the direction of a community-elected Jury Arbitrator, jurors review the evidence and offer expert opinions on subjective claims in order to come to an agreement. This ensures decisions are fair and unbiased.
4 Phases of Dispute Resolution:
Work it Out
Start a Claim
Open Process
Jury Vote
Work it Out
Start a conversation in good faith.

Most disputes can be resolved with a simple conversation. Braintrust makes it easy by enabling messaging within the platform to allow direct communication between both parties. Before launching a formal dispute resolution process, Braintrust helps the two parties come to a mutually agreed-upon decision that keeps both sides happy.
Start a Claim
State your desired outcome and the “why”.

If you would like to dispute an invoice, you may start a claim by identifying the invoice in question and indicate the desired outcome (reduced amount, canceled invoice) and your basis for the claim. Each claim requires supporting evidence and a statement. A community-elected representative then works with you to complete the documentation and provide proper notifications to the other party.
Open Process
When there is an impasse, it’s passed to the community.

Completed claims are presented to the disputant, who gets a chance to accept the terms of the claim or file a counterclaim to gather and present their side of the story. Both sides are given ample time to reach a mutually agreed-upon resolution. However, if an impasse is reached, the community-elected Jury Arbitrator will invite the community jurors and eyewitnesses to participate in the dispute.
Jury Vote
The Community votes on the best outcome.

Skilled community members will act as eyewitnesses and review subjective statements within the claim (for example, “this code wasn’t very good for the amount of time billed and the skill level the engineer advertised”) offer opinions. After reviewing the full documentation of the claims, a three-member jury elected by the community will issue a decision.