💡 The WYSC (why you should care).
If he’s said it once, he’s said it 100 times. “User-owned networks will grow faster and be more profitable than centrally-owned networks,” Adam Jackson, Braintrust Co-Founder & CEO. This is the proof, and it isn’t happening by accident.
It’s possible because Braintrust is building in public, so the entire community can get involved. And so can you. Learn more here.
⏳ The Weekly TL;DR.
- Braintrust Talent hourly earnings are up 15% from Q1 🔥🔥🔥 ($99/hr vs. $87/hr)
- Nike, TrueFootage, Equilibrium, and more just made successful new hires on Braintrust
- The Braintrust product got a new look
- Governance is more than a buzzword. And it’s getting it’s own landing page with all the FAQ you could ever want about how Braintrust is user-owned and controlled
🧠 Braintrust Core Team job opportunities.
Braintrust is looking for a Technical Sourcer. Help find the perfect person to get hired and earn a $500 cash reward for your referral!
✋ Interested in getting involved another way?
As always, you can refer great Talent to join Braintrust by sharing this link here!
👨💻 Network Updates.
“Embrace volatility in the crypto market. Don’t let it dictate your mood.” - Adam Jackson, Braintrust CEO & Co-founder.
That’s the advice for the Braintrust Core Team this week. And if you’re following the rapidly-changing crypto markets, this advice is for you, too.
Adam reminded everyone that volatility is the norm right now (some might even call these the DOGE days of crypto….), and hanging all your hopes up every time there’s a market spike will just set you up for disappointment. It’s better to stay informed and learn than to indulge in unnecessary stress.
Advice from a Braintrust Core Team member on how to cope.
💸 Sales Updates.
PRICES ARE UP AND IT IS GOOD. The average hourly earnings for Braintrust Talent is up 15% from Q1 ($99/hr vs. $87/hr). And since Braintrust’s mission is to spread economic opportunity more equitably around the world, this meaningful update shows progress towards that goal.
And there were wins on the client side, too - clients hired Product Designers, Data Scientists, Android Developers, UX Content Designers, Senior Backend Engineers, Front End Developers, Sr Editorial Content Writers, and more on Braintrust this last week.
🦄 Talent Updates.
How the Braintrust network has grown in the last week:
- 43 new approved Talent
- 12 Talent were hired
- 166 job proposals were submitted
And the work on important side projects continues as the Talent team spends more effort building out Talent reporting dashboards and interviewing candidates for Sourcer positions.
📝 Marketing Updates.

People are talking a LOT about Braintrust! And so is CEO Adam Jackson. This past week, Adam was featured twice:
- Adam was a guest on the Around the Coin podcast! Give it a listen.
- Adam was quoted in a Forbes article on the 15 Methods for Developing a Culture of Learning. Check it out here!
But wait! There’s more great content for you…
- Blog: Top 21 Profile Tips From Hiring Managers
- On-demand video: Why Braintrust is Building in Public (in case you wondered why Braintrust is writing these weekly updates)
👪 Community Updates.
Braintrust provides Talent with more than just great job opportunities. Braintrust provides development opportunities that help Talent learn, grow, and be better equipped to land more jobs. And yes, it actually works:
An email that Zoe Rem, a Product Designer on the Braintrust network shared with VP Community Shirley Yang.
And it’s not just Zoe who had a success story. Calvin Blanchard, a Technical Program Manager in the network, landed 2 interviews with Coursera in his very first week! Interested in being a part of this amazing Community of Talent? Apply to join.
Fueled by these fantastic Talent wins, this week the Community team is focusing on:
- Outreach to showcase Talent with incredible profiles so that others can learn from them
- Recurring events for Talent to help improve their profiles, proposals, interview skills, and onboarding experience
- Developing Community Safety Protocols
🏛️ Infrastructure Updates.
Curious about how governance happens on Braintrust? Well, Infrastructure heard your cries for more information. And they’re teaming up with Marketing to build a landing page that explains everything you need to know about Braintrust governance, including a helpful FAQ.
And that’s not all. Infrastructure is also spending time this week on:
- Payments Partner Implementation: Working with backend developers to get the new payments partner all set up - more updates to come!
- Automated Customer Service: This is a big project, so V1 of launch will include a library of support articles, while also exploring options for Community support.
💻 Product Updates.
Did you notice that the Braintrust product got a facelift? V1 of the product rebrand is live! Stay tuned as more work is done to bring the product up to the new Braintrust standard.
The first update to the Braintrust dashboard in the rebrand process.
Key learning:
- After dealing with more bugs than anticipated during the V1 brand reskin launch, a more robust QA process is needed. (Marketing sympathizes. Rebranding is a lot of work.)
And the #1 priority for the week:
- Product is continuing to build and improve the Talent referral engine. This week, they’re hosting Talent interviews to better understand how, when, and why Talent refer other Talent.
👤 HR + Culture Updates.
Here’s a great example of how teamwork works at Braintrust: This week, HR + Culture is all-hands on deck to help find and interview candidates for Talent Sourcer positions. While technically out of their usual scope for hiring (primarily Core Team), they’re stepping up and pitching in where it matters most.
Other priorities for the week include:
- Improving existing culture documentation
- Working on onboarding processes and documentation
- Planning some activities for the Core Team (because they’re not all work all the time)
🚩 Weekly challenges and red flags.
- Everybody likes clean, well-organized data. And it takes everyone pitching in to make sure it stays that way. So this week, much of the Core Team is thinking about ways to optimize data flows between various internal systems to bolster reporting capabilities, improve Talent experiences, and make life a lot easier.